
'Tragedies are meant to be mourned and accepted; when they are not, we become toxic.'

29 July 2022

isabel painting

Acrylic Painting - 22in x 23in - sold

I had the opportunity to make a banner this summer for the Banner Art Project 2022. This piece and some of my most recent retrospectively reflect life as an immigrant in America. I wanted to sum up my family and my life in South West Kansas. The idea that made me create this was celebrating tragedies in our lives. It sounds weird to celebrate a tragedy, but tragedies are meant to be mourned and accepted; when they are not, we become toxic.

I paralleled this idea with the concept of tornados to bring it back to Kansas. Tornados are one of the cliques most people, even outside Kansas, associate with the state. Kansans are the people who would always be outside in their lawn chairs to get a glips of the tornado, while friends and family would rush to their neighbor’s basements for safety.

I need to celibate them. The color that really unifies this painting is the florescent red seen on the stained glass door, and I used it on the skin tone, and mid-tones thought the painting. I used a whole tube of Florissant red acrylic paint; it was the cheapest paint I bought and the most difficult to work with. All that hard work came out to be my favorite part of this price. The Banner Auction - November 5th, 2022, at 7PM at Flat Mountain Brewhouse in Downtown Garden City.

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